Spin Transport and Quantum Phase Changes in PbSnTe/Graphene Heterostructures

Jennifer DeMell shares a look at novel electronic devices for future computing platforms.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

At the University of Maryland's Energy Research Facility (ERF)

Please RSVP by Wednesday, November 22


Heterostructures of novel materials such as topological insulators and two-dimensional (2D) materials possess several unique characteristics, including spin momentum locking, high spin-orbit coupling, and susceptibility to proximity effects, making them ideal for use in devices for future computing. Quantum phase transitions provide a low-power switching mode for novel electronic devices for future computing platforms. In this work, we fabricate and measure non-local spin valves on a Pb0.24Sn0.76Te/graphene heterostructure and measured spin lifetimes on the order of 2 ns and spin polarization efficiencies up to 10%. We found a spin-split two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) forms at the 2D-material/topological-insulator interface and observe a quantum phase change near 50 K.

Jennifer DeMell earned her B.S. in Physics/International Studies from American University in 2014, her M.S. from Johns Hopkins in Applied Physics in 2020, and is currently working on her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland. After working as a production editor at IOP Publishing, she graduated from the Analysis Development Program at the Department of Defense before transitioning into a Physical Sciences and Engineering Researcher at the Laboratory for Physical Sciences. Her research focuses on chemical vapor deposition (CVD) material growth and device fabrication of low-dimensional novel material heterostructures for spintronic devices in beyond Moore's Law high-performance computing.

DATE: Tuesday, November 28, 2023

6:30 pm Social/Networking
7:00 pm Buffet dinner
7:15 pm Jennifer's presentation + Q&A
8:15 pm Adjourn

University of Maryland's Energy Research Facility (ERF)
Room 1207
8279 Paint Branch Drive
College Park, MD 20742

METRO: The closest Metro stop is College Park. There is a free shuttle (no ID required) that runs from the Metro to campus every 30 minutes after 6 pm. The ERF is between stops #10 and #11. 

PARKING: Public parking is available in lots 11b and XX1 for no charge after 4 pm. (These lots are on either side of Paint Branch Drive, just north of the ERF.)

Join us for a delicious buffet dinner!
 - Members & Guests $20 ($20.60 on paypal)
 - Full time students $10 ($10.30 on paypal)
Please pay via Paypal to chair@asm-dc.org. We will also be happy to take your payment via cash or check (no fee!) at the event.

Please also RSVP for the dinner by Wednesday, November 22!

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Please take a look at the updates to the chapter website at www.asm-dc.org, and forward any email addresses of colleagues who would like to be added to this mailing list to chair@asm-dc.org.

About Materials DC

Materials DC (an affiliated chapter of ASM International) brings together people who live and work in the Washington, D.C. area and have a common interest in materials science and engineering. We are a diverse, collaborative, dynamic group of people who use the organization to network and develop personally. Our activities are fun and keep us up to date on both technology and policy in the materials field.

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Materials DC | http://www.asm-dc.org | Washington | DC

Materials DC - a chapter of ASM International
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