Chapter Executive Committee

Coordination - Toni Marechaux

Programming - Laura Jean Weidman

Website - Rose Thun

Membership - Jim Yanker

Advisor - Isabel Lloyd

Contact Us

Get Involved

If you are interested in assisting the chapter in bringing people together, spreading materials knowledge, or mentoring students, the chapter needs you! Please contact if you are interested in taking on some tasks in the 2022 chapter year.

For your Colleagues

Please take a look at the updates to the chapter website at, and forward any email addresses of colleagues who would like to be added to this mailing list to

About Materials DC

Materials DC (an affiliated chapter of ASM International) brings together people who live and work in the Washington, D.C. area and have a common interest in materials science and engineering. We are a diverse, collaborative, dynamic group of people who use the organization to network and develop personally. Our activities are fun and keep us up to date on both technology and policy in the materials field.

Please register your email address with ASM International because it allows us to send broadcast emails to chapter members more easily. If you aren't a member of ASM International, please consider signing up.

Your membership in ASM International helps our chapter stay strong and benefits you much more! Contact for more information.

Materials DC | | Washington | DC

Materials DC - a chapter of ASM International
Thanks for being a member of ASM, ACerS, TMS, MRS, or a friend of the chapter.


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