Congratulations to our Morgan L. Williams Scholarship winners!

The Morgan L. Williams Scholarship Fund was started in 1981 in honor of Dr. Williams who was an active member of the Washington Chapter for more than 40 years, and served the Chapter in many capacities. Scholarships are awarded yearly to DC area students majoring in one of the "science or engineering disciplines dealing with metals and materials." Funds are raised from special Chapter activities and from donations.

2016 Valencia Danner

Ms. Valencia Danner, a senior at the University of Maryland, College Park, was selected as the 2016 recipient of the ASM DC Chapter’s Morgan L. Williams Memorial Scholarship for Undergraduate Students. Ms. Danner is an active member of the UMD Materials Engineering Society, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, Society of Women Engineers, and Engineers Without Boarders. She has worked with UMD faculty on research projects to fabricate graphene films for lithium-ion anodes, and intends to continue onto graduate to pursue her PhD. Congratulations to Ms. Danner and we look forward to seeing her at an upcoming meeting!

2013 Nicholas Jarboe

Nicholas Jarboe is a sophomore at The Catholic University of America pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering. Nick is most interested in tissue engineering and medical device development using novel biomedical materials. Nick is actively engaged in community humanitarian efforts, which most recently included a trip to Guatemala to assist in providing much needed basic medical services by translating between medical mission doctors and patients. Nick is a member of The Society of Biomedical Engineers, Alpha Delta Gamma, and the Phi Beta Sigma Honor Society. Nick's future plans include pursuing a graduate degree in the medical device development field.

2013 Nizar Zahed

Nizar Zahed is a sophomore at Virginia Tech pursuing a double major in Materials Science and Engineering and Mathematics. Nizar is most interested in metallurgy and studying the fundamental properties of materials. Nizar has an interest in forensic science and likes to study the role that materials can play in this field. Nizar has interned with Lockheed Martin where he developed a smartphone app and accompanying business development proposal. In addition to double-majoring, Nizar also enjoys studying classical literature, philosophy, and mythology. Nizar's future plans include using his Materials Science degree to work in the field of materials engineering and one day pursue a graduate degree in forensics.


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For your Colleagues

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About Materials DC

Materials DC (an affiliated chapter of ASM International) brings together people who live and work in the Washington, D.C. area and have a common interest in materials science and engineering. We are a diverse, collaborative, dynamic group of people who use the organization to network and develop personally. Our activities are fun and keep us up to date on both technology and policy in the materials field.

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Materials DC - a chapter of ASM International
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